Description of morph statistics:

Click on a field name for a more complete entry
Field Name Rankable? Type Short Description
2ndCoreCAs Y ? Number of C-alphas in 2nd core
2ndCoreRMS Y ? RMS of 2nd core after fitting on 1st core
2ndCoreRMSpostrefitting Y ? RMS of 2nd core, without fitting 1st core
AlignedCoreCAs Y ? Number of C-alphas in 1st core
AlignedCoreRMS Y ? RMS of 1st core
avg_energy Y ? Average CHARMM energy of intermediate frames
dAlpMax Y ? Maximum change in Alpha torsion angle
dPhiMax Y ? Maximum change in Phi torsion angle
dPsiMax Y ? Maximum change in Psi torsion angle
kappa Y ? Rotation in fit of 2nd core after fit of 1st core
len1_n Y ? Length of 1st protein sequence
len2_n Y ? Length of 2nd protein sequence
Max2ndCoreDeviation Y ? Max C-alpha displacement in 2nd Core
MaxCoreDeviation Y ? Max C-alpha displacement in 1st Core
MaxOverallDeviation Y ? Overall max C-alpha displacement
Min2ndCoreDeviation Y ? Min C-alpha displacement in 2nd Core
MinCoreDeviation Y ? Min C-alpha displacement in 1st Core
MinOverallDeviation Y ? Overall min C-alpha displacement
natoms Y ? Total number of atoms
nresidues Y ? Number of residues
Ntrim_n Y ? Number of alpha-Carbons left after trimming
RMSoverall Y ? RMS of entire structure with 1st core fitted
translation Y ? Translation in fit of 2nd core after fit of 1st core
CAatoms N ? Number of C-alpha atoms
count N ? description
depth N ? description
did N ? description
dispmax N ? Largest normal mode displacement
fami N ? description
FreqDispmax N ? Frequency of mode with largest displacement
FrequencyOfBiggestMode N ? Frequency of largest mode (SVD calculation)
gaps_n N ? Number of gaps in the alignment
gid_ N ? description
hetero N ? 1 if hetero atoms are included, 0 if not
info N ? Mode concentration
inframes N ? Number of PDB IDs
InternalNumberOfBiggestMode N ? -
istep N ? description
itotal N ? description
max_x_or_y N ? Size (in terms of window for rendering)
movietype N ? The type of the movies
nCutoff N ? Number of cutoffs
nhetatoms N ? Number of hetero atoms
nhets N ? Number of hetero atoms
NHinges N ? Number of putative hinges detected
NHingeWindow N ? Window size for hinge detection
nModes N ? Number of modes
norm0 N ? Maximum value of the SVD displacement vector (unitless)
norm1 N ? Mean of the SVD displacement vector (unitless)
norm2 N ? Root-mean-square of the SVD displacement vector (unitless)
nresatoms N ? Number of residue atoms
pid_f N ? description
prelimsscore N ? description
private N ? Whether the morph_id is private or not
Prms_f N ? description
Prms_trim_f N ? description
Pseq_fN_n N ? description
Pstr_f N ? description
Pstr_trim_f N ? description
rankdispmax N ? description
RankOfBiggestMode N ? -
residuals N ? Euclidean length of the residual difference between the atomic displacements
rmsampdisp N ? description
rmsampsvd N ? description
RMS_f N ? description
RMS_trim_f N ? description
s N ? description
scorr N ? S-correlation: Normal mode statistic
screwAxisToCentroidDistance N ? description
screwAxisX N ? description
screwAxisY N ? description
screwAxisZ N ? description
seqident N ? Sequence identity
Sstr_f N ? description
Sstr_trim_f N ? description
submitted_by N ? The submitter of the morph_id
submitted_email N ? The email of the submitter
SWS_n N ? Smith-Waterman score for alignment
TransX N ? X component of "translation" statistic
TransY N ? Y component of "translation" statistic
TransZ N ? Z component of "translation" statistic
x0ToCentroidDistance N ? Distance between screw-axis (x0) & centroid
x0X N ? X component of "x0ToCentroidDistance" statistic
x0Y N ? Y component of "x0ToCentroidDistance" statistic
x0Z N ? Z component of "x0ToCentroidDistance" statistic

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Copyright 1995-2005 M. Gerstein, W. Krebs, S. Flores, N. Echols, and others
Email: Mark.Gerstein _at_